Every year, millions of anglers hit the suds all around the country. Some catch redfish, snook, and jacks while others search for striped bass, bluefish or sea trout. Fishing equipment and techniques for surfing are different from those used inland, so let's have a look at some surf fishing equipment basics. Surf Fishing Equipment Essentials Plug and live bait rods should be between 10 and 12 feet long, in a medium-fast action, capable of throwing plugs and spoons between 1 and 3 ounces. Spin and conventional reels should hold plenty of line. 150 to 200 yards of 15-20 pound test mono is good, but if you need more line or a line of a higher pound test then switch to a braided mono. In cooler waters, waders or rubber knee boots are good on the beach but if it's warmer you can get away with sandals or wading boots. You'll need polarized glasses, stainless steel pliers or forceps, hook hones, swivels, snaps, three-way rigs, and leader mate...